Why would I have an Auction?
- An auction is proven to be the quickest, most effective method to liquidate all types of merchandise and turn it into cash.
- You do not take a risk of establishing a price too high or low when you sell your property at an auction. Open and competitive bidding establishes fair market value.
- A potential Buyer cannot try to negotiate a lower price with the Seller. The Auctioneer controls the selling environment The Auctioneer will sell my property at the highest price a Buyer is willing to pay.
- Your property sells publicly, openly and competitively. No one gets the opportunity to purchase ahead of time for less than another Buyer would pay. An auction brings the highest price a person will pay. Items will sell to the Buyer who is willing to pay the highest price.
- An auction is a fast, effective way to sell property. Your property will sell on the desired date. You don't have to sit around and wait for a Buyer.
- An auction encourages Buyers to buy now. Buyers know they must bid now or they will lose the opportunity to buy an item.
- Auctions create excitement that encourages each Buyer to bid "just one more time". A skilled Auctioneer and Staff create excitement that motivates Buyers to keep bidding.
- You won't have to do the work: sort, clean out, set-up, tag/price or advertise.
- You won't have to figure out how / when / where / how much to advertise.
- When the auction is over, you're not left with all the small "junk" that is left over after other types of "sales".
- Auctions are a lot of fun!!!